Fundamentals of Management and Organisational Behaviour Practical

Paper Code: 
CBBA 102
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

1) Acquaint the Students with basic concept, Principles and functions of
2) To make students aware about the recent trends in Management.

Unit I: 
unit I

Identify the recent cases of mergers and acquisitions, diversification, forward and backward integration, joint ventures, Strategic alliance and submit a detailed report on it. (every student is expected to study atleast one such case )
Multinational companies are entering in India through different modes like Franchising, Licensing, and Leasing. List out and elaborate atleast ten such examples in different industries. (every student should study a different industry such as hospitality, retail, banking, etc.)

Unit II: 
unit II

Pick any organization of your choice and make a chart on its organization structure.
Group Decision Making activities for students.

Unit III: 
unit III

Designing and implementing personality assessment tests (like MBTI).
Student Power Point Presentations on theories of learning and personality.

Unit IV: 
unit IV

Study a leader of your choice and identify ten leadership qualities that make her a great leader.
Practical application of Transactional Analysis at work place.

Unit V: 
unit V

Team Building activities like blindfold, trust walk, group juggle, loop-de-loop, etc.
Creative problem solving exercises: All Adrift, Bridge Build, Human Chain, Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces etc.

Essential Readings: 

Gilbert: Principles of Management, McGraw Hill.
2. Greenberg Jerald and Baron Robert A.: Behaviour in Organisations: Understanding and Managing The Human Side of Work, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Kaul Vijay Kumar, Business Organisation& Management - Text and Cases,Pearson.
4. Koontz & Heinz Weihrich: Essential of Management, McGraw Hill.
5. Luthans Fred: OrganisationalBehaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.


Mc Shane L. Steven, Glinow Mary Ann Von & Sharma Radha R. - Organisational
Behaviour; Tata McGraw Hill.
Newstrom John W.: OrganisationalBehaviour, Tata McGraw Hill.
Robbins Stephen P: OrganisationalBehaviour, Pearson.
Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter: Management, Pearson.
Y.K. Bhushan: Fundamentals of Business Organisation& Management, Sultan
Chand & Sons.

Academic Year: