The emergence of service economy: contributory factors, consumption pattern analysis, economic transformation unique aspects of services: goods, services, products, managerial challenges
Marketing mix: concept of value and value drivers, extended framework Service marketing system: production, marketing, human resources, sequential analysis.
Service system positioning: service delivery process, blueprinting Service buying behaviour; difference in perspective, risk analysis, decision process.
Service marketing strategy; segmentation, targeting and positioning, market innovation Competitive differentiation; competitive advantage and value chain analysis
Service quality; concept, technical and functional quality, Service quality models and measurement Demand and supply imbalances management; challenges and strategies; Service culture; managing by values, recovery and empowerment;Relationship building: relationship marketing, bonding and life time value Service industries: insurance, banking, air transportation, courier, education etc.
1. Fisk, R. P., Grove, S. J., & John, J.: Interactive services marketing. New York.
Houghton Mifflin.
2. Glynn, W. J., & Barnes, J. G.: Understanding services management - Integrating
marketing, organizational behaviour, operations and human resources management,
Prentice Hall.
3. Gronroos, C.: Service Management and Marketing - A customer relationship
management approach, New York: John Wiley.
4. Hoffman, K. D., & John, E. G. B.: Marketing of services: Concepts strategies and
cases, Thomson-South Western.
5. Shanker, R. (2002). Services Marketing: The Indian perspective, Excel Books.