Social Media Management(Practical)

Paper Code: 
SDMK 401
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to know the importance of social media platforms in Digital Marketing.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

SDMK 401

Social Media Management



CO:130 Identify and utilize various tools of Facebook marketing 

CO :131Articulate innovative insights of YouTube and LinkedIn Marketing   .


CO : 132 understand how to create and run digital media through mobile marketing


 CO :133 create and develop digital marketing through Instagram and Snapchat

CO: 134 Identify and utilize various tools of Facebook marketing 

CO: 135 Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Interactive Hours, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration


Class test, Semester end examinations, Presentation, Individual and group projects, Task-based practical exercises to assess students.






Unit I: 
Social Media Marketing:

Facebook Marketing: Facebook for Business, Ad Campaign, Adverts- Placement, Bidding, Budget, Scheduling, Objective, Optimization, Delivery, Audience Insights, Page Insights, Facebook groups, Hashtags, Brand Post Popularity, Consumer Visit Schedules and Click Through rates

Unit II: 
YouTube Marketing:

YouTube Marketing: YouTube Channels, Ads, Types of Videos, Buying Models, Targeting and Optimisation
LinkedIn Marketing: Linkedin Strategy, LinkedIn Groups, Leverage Paid Ads, Sponsored Updates, Sales Lead Generation, Content Strategy, LinkedIn Analytics, Targeting, Ad Campaign

Unit III: 
Mobile Marketing:

Mobile Usage, Mobile Advertising Models, Paid and Owned Mobile Marketing, Proximity Marketing, QR Codes, Augmented Reality, Gamification, Campaign development process, Mobile Campaign Tracking.

Unit IV: 
Instagram and Snapchat Marketing:

Instagram and Snapchat Marketing: Objectives, Content Strategy, Style Guidelines, Hashtags, Videos, Sponsored Ads, Apps, Generation of Leads, Influencer Marketing, Blogger Relations
Twitter Marketing: Content Strategy, Twitter Usage, Twitter Ads, Twitter Analytics, Tools for management and monitoring

Unit V: 
Email Marketing:

Introduction, Importance of Email Marketing, Popular Email Marketing Software, Introduction to Mail Chimp, Account setup and settings, Email marketing strategy, Creating a Subscriber List, Import subscribers in list. Types of Email marketing campaigns, Creating an Email Campaign. Newsletter, Design Newsletter, Reports

Essential Readings: 

• Tuten, Solomon, Social Media Marketing, Sage Publishing
• Puneet Singh Bhatia, Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, Pearson
• Gay, Charlesworth, Esen, Online Marketing, Oxford
• Seema Gupta, Digital Marketing, Mc Graw Hill Eductaion

Academic Year: