The Course attempts to equip the students with the knowledge of the basic governing principles and functionalities of various projects undertaken in a business organization.
The course focuses on all the aspects of a project- from its planning to its completion.
Project- Meaning, features, classification, and life cycle of project Plan of project management.
Project Formulation -Introduction, stages of project formulation.
Project Feasibility- Introduction- Market, Technical and Financial feasibility.
Project Appraisal- Meaning, Scope, Types of Appraisal.
Social Cost Benefit Analysis- Meaning, UNIDO & L-M Approach; Role of DIC.
Capital Budgeting-Meaning, Objectives, Techniques of Capital Budgeting.
Project Organization & Implementation-Functional and Matrix Organization, Network Techniques(PERT,CPM)
1. Nagrajan. K. Project Management New Age International Publishers
2. Agarwal, Mishra, “Project Management”, RBD, Jaipur.
3. Vasant Desai, “Project Management”, Himalaya Publishing House.
1. Prasanna Chandra, “Project Planning, Implementation & Review”, Tata Mc Grawl
Hill, New Delhi.
2. Agrawal, Agarwal, “Management Accounting”, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur.
3. N.P. Agarwal, “Operations Research”, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur.