Programming Concepts and Database Management

Paper Code: 
BBA 207
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The Course aims to provide the knowledge of basic programming skills, database concepts, and database management system (DBMS).

Unit I: 
Introduction to Programming Languages:

Introduction to Programming Languages: Overview of programming, logic development techniques (Algorithm, Pseudo codes, flow charts), Programming language classification (Machine language, Assembly language, high level languages), Translators (Assembler, interpreter, compiler).

Unit II: 
Introduction to ‘C’ Programming:

Introduction to ‘C’ Programming: Introduction to ‘C’ programming, overview of ‘C’ language, Character Set, Variables and Constants. Keywords, Tokens, Literals, Expression and syntaxes, Data types, Operators, Control statements (if, multiple if, if-else, nested if’s, if –else- if ladder), switch-case statement.

Unit III: 
Loops & Arrays:

Loops & Arrays: Loop in ‘C ‘(while, do-while, for loop), nested loop. Break, continue, exit statement. Introduction to arrays, single dimensional array.

Unit IV: 
Introduction to Database System:

Introduction to Database System: Introduction to database concept, File Processing System Vs DBMS, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS, Database Users and Administrators, History of Database Systems, Concept of Keys. Introduction to MS-Access, Difference between Access and large Commercial Databases.

Unit V: 
Working with the Database:

Working with the Database: Database creation in MS-Access, Data Types, creating tables, entering data into table, editing data, viewing records, sorting records. Querying a data base, Creating forms, Generating reports in MS- Access, OLE.

Essential Readings: 

Case Studies
Essential Reading:
1. Yashwant Kanetkar, Let us ‘C’, BPB Publication, New Delhi
2. Simpson Alan, Robinson, & Celeste, Mastering Access 2000


E. Balaguruswami, Programming in ‘ANSI C’, TMH Publication
A. Agrawal, A. Jain, D. Bhargava, Fundamentals of Computers, RBD, Jaipur. Peter Nortons, Introduction to Computers

Academic Year: