Organisational Behaviour

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

• Student will understand the field of organizational behavior and discuss its relevance to the workplace.

• Students will enrich themselves with different personality traits. 

• Students insight with different theories of motivations and strategies to improve motivation in the workplace.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies




CO 259: Student will understand  the field of organizational behavior and discuss its relevance to the workplace.

CO 260: Students will enrich themselves with different personality traits

CO 261: Students insight with different theories of motivations and strategies to improve motivation in the workplace

CO 262: It helps to understand strategies for managing conflict and negotiation in the workplace


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Hours, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Giving tasks


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects



Unit I: 

Introduction: Concept of Organization Behavior. Disciplines contributing to the field of organizational behavior
Personality: Meaning, Determinants of personality, personality development theories- Psychoanalytic theory, Trait theory, Self theory

Unit II: 

Learning: Concept, Nature, Components, factors affecting learning, Theories of learning-Conditioning theory, Cognitive learning1 theory, Social learning theory, Reinforcement and its application in behaviour modification.
Perception: Nature, Importance, difference between sensation and perception, perceptual process perceptual selectivity, perceptual organization.

Unit III: 

Motivation: Concept, Primary and secondary motives, Financial and Non Financial Motives. Theories of motivation: Maslow’s Need hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene theory, Vroom's Expectancy theory, Equity theory of work motivation. Alderfer’s ERG theory

Unit IV: 

Leadership: Concept, Leaders versus Managers, Theories of leadership, Leadership styles
Organizational Power: Concept, Source of power, use of power

Unit V: 
Stress Management:

Stress Management: Concept, reasons of stress, Strategies of overcoming stress.
Conflict: Meaning, features, causes of conflict, types and consequences of conflict. Managing conflict

Essential Readings: 

1. Robbins, Stephen P., Organizational behavior:Concepts, Controversies, Applications, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi
2. Prasad, L.M., Organizational behaviour, S.Chand, New Delhi
3. Buchanan, David, Organizational behaviour, Prentice Hall
4. Johns, Gary and Saks, Michael, Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at work, Pearson Prentice Hall, Toronto
5. Davis, Keith and Newstrom, John W., Human behaviour at work: Organization behaviour, McGraw-Hill International Editions Management Series, New York.

Academic Year: