Legal Aspects of Business

Paper Code: 
CBBA 503
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Unit I: 
The Indian Contract Act 1872:

The Indian Contract Act 1872: Meaning and Essentials of contract; Kinds of contract-Based on: validity, formation & performance, law relating to offer and acceptance & consideration, competency to contract, free consent, Void agreements, performance of contracts, discharge of contracts, breach of contracts.

Unit II: 
Special contracts:

Special contracts: contract of indemnity and guarantee, bailment-features and types of bailment and pledge, and agency-concept and types of agency.

Unit III: 
Sale of Goods Act 1930:

Sale of Goods Act 1930: Sale and agreement to sell, implied conditions and warranties, sale by non-owners, rights of unpaid seller.
Negotiable Instruments Act 1881:
Meaning of negotiable instruments, type of negotiable instruments, promissory note, bill of exchange, cheque

Unit IV: 
The Companies Act 2013:

The Companies Act 2013:
Meaning and types, Incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of association, Features of Prospectus, Issue of shares and bonus shares, rights issue, sweat equity, role of Directors.
The Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008:
Meaning and nature of limited partnership, formation, partners & their relations, extent and limitation of liability

Unit V: 
Consumer Protection Act 1986:

Consumer Protection Act 1986:
Objectives and machinery for consumer protection, rights of consumers.
The Right to Information Act 2005:
Salient features and coverage of the act, definition of terms information, right, record, public authority; obligations of public authorities and functions of PIO.

Essential Readings: 

1. M.C.Kucchal,&VivekKucchal: Business Legislation for Management, Vikas
Publishing House (P) Ltd.
2. Dr. G. K. Kapoor & Sanjay Dhamija: Company Law and Practice-A comprehensive
textbook on Companies Act 2013, latest edition, Taxmann.
3. Avtar Singh: Principle of Mercantile Law, Eastern Book Company.
4. Gulshan Kapoor: Business Law, New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers.
5. Maheshwari&Maheshwari: Principle of Mercantile Law, National Publishing Trust
6. Rohini Aggarwal: Mercantile & Commercial Law, Taxmann.
7. Singh, Nirmal, Business Laws, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

Academic Year: