IT Tools for Business Practical

Paper Code: 
GBBA 102
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 

Getting connected to Internet: HTTP, Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox), sending & receiving the E-mail, Attaching files with E-mail, Exploring through E-commerce web sites.
Exploring the Windows: Windows explorer, Control panel, Managing Files & Folders: Creating folder & shortcuts on the desktop Compressing/ Zipping files (WinZip, Winrar), Virus & Antivirus.

Unit II: 

Introduction to Word Processing: Working with word documents, Shortcut keys.
Formatting documents: Selecting text, character formatting, &
Paragraph formatting with using indents tabs, paragraph alignment, line & paragraph spacing, Borders & shading bullets and numbering.
Editing Text: Finding & replacing text, Go To command, Proofing text (Spell check, thesaurus, Auto correct), Macros, Inserting pictures, Hyperlinks, Drop cap.
Page setup & Border: page margins, orientation, headers and footers, end notes and foot notes.
Working with tables: Creating tables, formatting, sorting, table formula (Sum, Min, Max, Avg), and converting text to table and vice versa. Create newspaper columns, indexes and table of contents.
Create bookmarks and cross referencing, adding sources and bibliography.
Mail merge: Creating and editing the main document and data source sorting and filtering in merged documents.OLE (Object Linking and embedding).

Unit III: 

Introduction spreadsheet: workbooks saving, opening, moving, copying, inserting, deleting and renaming worksheets, working with multiple worksheets and workbooks, controlling worksheet views, Printing worksheet. Filling series, sort, Formatting worksheet,Shortcut keys
Various Tools & functions: cell referencing (Relative, Absolute, Mixed).Functions and its parts. Inbuilt function (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, IF), lookup, logical, date and time. Consolidate Protecting worksheets, margins, headers and footers, page breaks, orientation.
Charts in Excel: Creation of chart from adjacent data/ nonadjacent data, printing a worksheet and chart, data series, editing and formatting chart, and creating sparkline graphics.
Analysis using pivot tables: Creating, formatting and modifying a pivot table and pivot table charts, sorting, filtering items.
Performing what-if analysis: Data tables, scenario manager), what-if analysis in reverse (goal-seek, solver) OLE( object linking and embedding).

Unit IV: 

Powerpoint presentation
Introduction: Creating a blank presentation , design template, creating and managing slides, using content place holders, creating graphs, tables, diagrams, organization charts, inserting clip art and images, shortcut keys
Viewing and navigating a presentation: outline view, slide sorter, master views, slide& title master, handout master and notes master, headers and footers, hyperlinks, advanced navigation with action settings, action buttons
Animation and multimedia: Applying animation schemes, custom animation, various sound file formats and adding music, sound and video clips.
Final presentation: Applying transition to slides, controlling transition speed, using hidden slides, using custom shows, screen pen and adding and accessing notes during a presentation.

Unit V: 

Databases –MS-Access
Create Database with specific location ,Creating Tables, table fields, with Data types , Changing table design, Field Properties, Primary Keys and field validation and record validation rules, Indexing, working with multiple tables, Relationships & Integrity check , Records Editing (modify ,delete ,add ) Sorting & Filtering.
Select data with queries: Creating Query by design & by wizard (Select, Make Table, Append, Delete, Cross Tab, Update, Parameterized Query, Find Duplicate and Find Unmatched), Creating multi table queries, creating & working with table joins. Using operators & expressions: Creating simple & advance criteria.
Working with forms: Create forms with bound, unbound and calculated controls, Working with Data on Forms: Changing Layout, creating Sub Forms, creating list box, combo box and option groups.
Working with Reports: Create Reports, Creating Header & Footer, Placing Controls on reports, sorting & grouping reports.

Essential Readings: 

Henry C. Lucas, Information Technology for Management, McGraw Hill, International Edition, July 2012.
Dr. Leena Bhatia & Dr. Bindu Jain, Elementary Computer Application
Mastering Access 2000 – Simpson Alan, Robinson, & Celeste.


Peter Nortons : “Introduction to Computers” (Fourth Edition)
Mastering Word 2000 – Mansfield & Olsen
Mastering Excel 2000 – Martin, Hansen, Klingher & Beth
Mastering Power Point 2000 – Murray

Academic Year: