International Distribution and Supply Chain Management

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Supply Chain Management : Concept, Objectives, Functions and Importance of Supply Chain Management, Issues in Supply Chain Management, Strategic partnership, 3PL, 4PL, Managing networks and relationships, Sourcing Internationally, Subcontracting within an International Dimension, Procurement Decisions, Reverse Logistics


Integrated Logistics Activites: Integrated Logistics Model, Value Added Concept, Financial Impact of Integrated Logistics on Firm, Emerging Integrated Logistics Concepts, Customer Service, Channels of Distribution, Concept of Distribution Centre
Service Response Logistics: Primary Service response Logistics Activities, Service Response Logistics Functions, Intermediaries in Service Response Logistics


Logistics Management: Concept, Objective and Scope, Major functions of Logistics- Transportation, Warehousing, Inventory Management, Material Handling and Storage, Logistical Packaging, Information flows


Global Logistics and SCM: Managing Global Logistics, Components of Global Logistics Management, process and impact of Global Logistics, Environmental Analysis, Global Distribution, channel strategies, logistics strategies, supply chain strategies, Global Sourcing and Purchasing, Outsourced Manufacturing, Global Sourcing, Purchasing and Supplier Relations


Performance Measurement: traditional performance measures, global performance measurement systems, Supply Chain performance measurement system, The Balanced Scorecard, The Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR)
Current Issues in Supply Chain Management: Best Practices in SCM- Tierization of Suppliers, Vendor Managed inventory, Milk Round System, Bar Coding, Hub and Spoke Concept, Postponement Strategy, Cross Docking, Drop Shipping, Risk Pooling, Trans Shipment, RFID, Benchmarking, Reengineering, Virtual Supply Chain, Agile and Lean Supply Chain, Green Supply Chain, Flexible Supply Chain

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