Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level) |
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Course Code |
Course Title |
DBBA 503E |
Impacts of Tourism
CO 204 To know about impact of tourism on society, economy, Culture & Environment. CO 205To know about global tourism scenario, problems and prospects. CO 206To know about tourism education and employment opportunities. CO 207To know about how to increase tourism activities,& tourism growth and development |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching Learning activities for the students: Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Impact of Tourism: The Socio-economic Impact- Tourism as a great economic force, Its significance, Tourism Multiplier, Employment Multiplier and Infrastructure development.
The Socio-cultural Impact- Positive and negative impact of tourism development on the society and culture, Sex Tourism, Drug tourism.
Environmental Impacts of Tourism: The effect of tourism development on the Environmental pollution. Positive & Negative impact of Tourism development on the environment. The emerging concept of Ecotourism.
Concept of Domestic and International Tourism. Modern Global tourism scenario-Concept of Modern Mass Tourism, Urban & Rural Tourism.
Tourism scenario in India – Potentials, Problems and prospects. India’s resource potential for tourism, recognition by Government, Ways to stimulate tourism in India.
Tourism – The existing pattern and Future trends: World’s major countries in terms of Total expenditure abroad, Countries having maximum International tourism expenditure, Travel of the future – Space Odyssey.
Status of Tourism education and career opportunities in Tourism industry.
Tourism Development: Principles and Practices Bhatia
International Tourism Management A.K.Bhatia
Cultural Tourism in India Gupta and Lal
Development of Tourism in India Nafees Khan
Environmental challenges towards Tourism V Dhulasi Birundha
Handbook of Environmental guidelines for
Indian Tourism. Ratandeep Singh
Heritage Management Swarnakamal Bhowmik
Tourism Education Shashi Prabha,Sharma
Nature and Scope of Tourism Praveen Sethi
Strategies for the future of Travel and Tourism Praveen Sethi
Tourism Development and Resource conservation Jagmohan Negi
Tourism in India : A case study Ram Acharya
Tourism Products Manoj Dixit and Charusheela Dixit
Tourism & Travel Management Biswanath Ghosh
Tourism Today Douglas Pearce
WTO Barometer
Reports and PPTs of WTO
Tourism in the new millennium M P Bezbaruah