Fundamentals of Computer

Paper Code: 
24ADMK 101
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop IT skills that are a pre-requisite today’s business environment.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24ADMK 101










Fundamentals of Computer




  • CO 1: Categorize computer software, Programming languages and critically assess data processing.
  • CO 2: Apply knowledge of the windows interface to manage files and navigate the operating system effectively.
  • CO 3: Create effective word documents, event catalogs and reports using various automation tools of MS- Word.


  •  CO 4: Develop decision making skills for business based on operations of spreadsheet.


  • CO 5: Create an informatics & balanced power point presentation and apply various cloud-based tools.


  • CO 6: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in


Interactive Hours, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects




Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24ADMK 101










Fundamentals of Computer




  • CO 1: Categorize computer software, Programming languages and critically assess data processing.
  • CO 2: Apply knowledge of the windows interface to manage files and navigate the operating system effectively.
  • CO 3: Create effective word documents, event catalogs and reports using various automation tools of MS- Word.


  •  CO 4: Develop decision making skills for business based on operations of spreadsheet.


  • CO 5: Create an informatics & balanced power point presentation and apply various cloud-based tools.


  • CO 6: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in


Interactive Hours, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects




Unit I: 
Introduction to Computers

Introduction to Computers (definition, characteristics & uses), Evolution of computers, System unit (memory, ALU & control unit), Input / Output devices, Storage devices (Memory- primary & secondary). Introduction to Software, its type (system, application & utility); Programming languages (machine, assembly & high-level), Language processors (assembler, compiler & interpreter). Introduction to Data Processing: Elements of Data Processing, Data Processing Activities

Unit II: 
Introduction to Windows

Features (Desktop & its components, the window, the application window (various bars), the document window, the dialog window, the icons). Windows explorer; Control panel, Setting wallpaper, screen saver, background. Creating a folder, Compressing/ Zipping files (WinZip), Virus & Antivirus.

Unit III: 
Word Processing

Introduction to word processing, Features of Word processors, Working with formatted documents, Shortcut keys. Finding & replacing text, GoTo (5) command. Formatting documents, selecting text, formatting characters, changing cases, Paragraph formatting, Indents, Using format painter, Page formatting, Header & footer, Bullets & numbering, Tabs.
Advanced Word processing Tools: Creating and formatting tables. Proofing text (Spell check, Auto correct), Inserting pictures, Mail merging, Printing, Getting Help

Unit IV: 

Features, file creations, storing, modification, formation, sorting of data, inserting row, column, worksheet, splitting and merging of cells.

Unit V: 
MS PowerPoint

Features, file creations, storing, modification, indentation, insertion of new slide, pictures, tables.
Cloud based Office Tools: Introduction to cloud services: Google drive, Google docs, Google sheets, Google slides. Sharing and creating files, uploading and downloading files and folders. Creating and designing forms using Google forms. Introduction to office365 and its applications.

Essential Readings: 

• Peter Norton, “Introduction to Computers”, TMH, 2001
• Bott and Leonhard, “Using Office 2000”, Prentice Hall of India


• L. Young, “Internet Complete Reference”, TMH
• Mahapatra & Sinha, “Essentials of Information Technology”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
• R.K.Taxali, “PC Software For Windows” , Tata McGraw Hill

Academic Year: