Fundamentals of Accounts

Paper Code: 
24CDMK 302
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to apply accounting rules in preparation of financial statements and various management accounting techniques for taking strategic decisions in the organizations.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24CDMK 302

Fundamentals of Accounts



  • CO 88: Explain the fundamentals of management accounting and construct Journal Entries, Ledger, Trial Balance, Financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


  • CO 89: Explain elements of cost and develop analytical skills to prepare comprehensive cost sheets.


  • CO 90: Analyse and interpret the quantitative data presented within a company's Financial Statements by employing the techniques of financial statement analysis.


  • CO 91: Evaluate financial performance through ratio analysis.


  • CO 92: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Hours using whiteboards, Case discussions

Group Discussions

Brainstorming, Reading Assignments


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Chart Preparation, PPTs, Group Discussions


Formative Assessment through group discussion, quiz, presentations,

Class tests

Summative assessment through Quiz, Semester end examination, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Introduction to Management Accounting:

Nature and Purpose of Management Accounting, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Concept of Green Accounting.
Elementary Financial Accounting:
Journal Entries, Ledger, Trial Balance, Preparation of Final Accounts of sole proprietor (with basic adjustments only)

Unit II: 
Financial Statement Analysis:

Meaning and Importance of Financial Analysis, Types of financial analysis – Horizontal, Vertical, Internal and External. Tools of financial analysis – Comparative statements, common size statements and trend analysis.

Unit III: 
Ratio Analysis:

Meaning, Significance and Limitations of Ratio Analysis, Calculation & Interpretation of Liquidity Ratios, Solvency Ratios, Turnover Ratios, Profitability Ratios and Investment Ratios.

Unit IV: 
Basic Concepts of Cost Accounting:

Meaning & Definition of Cost Accounting, Cost Unit, Types of Cost Unit, Cost Centre, Elements of Cost – Material, Labour and Expenses. Preparation of Cost Sheet.
Similarities and difference between Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting and Management Accounting.

Unit V: 
Cost- Volume- Profit Analysis:

Meaning, Concept of Marginal Costing, Utility and Limitations of CVP.
Break- Even Analysis, Profit Volume Ratio and Margin of Safety.

Essential Readings: 

1.Anthony, Hawkins & Merchant, Accounting: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
2.M Y Khan& P K Jain, Managerial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill Publication,6th Edition, 2017.
3. Narayanaswamy R., Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective, PHI, 6th Edition, 2017

Academic Year: