The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the individual and group behavioral aspect of Organization, which influences the management practices and the overall organizational productivity.
Introduction: Concept, meaning, of organization, Meaning and Concept of Organization Behaviour.
Perception: Nature, Importance, difference between sensation and perception, perceptual process perceptual selectivity, perceptual organization
Personality: Meaning, Determinants of personality, personality development theories.-Psychoanalytic theory, Socio-psychological theory, Trait theory, Self theory.
Learning: Concept, Nature, Components, Factors affecting learning, Theories of learning-Conditioning theory, Cognitie learning1 theory, Social learning theory, Reinforcement and its application in behavior modification.
Motivation: Concept, Primary and secondary motives, Financial and Non Financial Motives. Theories of motivation: Maslow’s Need hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene theory, room's Expectancy theory, Porter-Lawler model, Equity theory of work motivation. Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland’s achievement motivation theory.
Case Studies
Essential reading:
1. Robbins, Stephen P., Organizational behaior: Concepts, Controersies, Applications, Prentice Hall of India Priate Limited, New Delhi
2. Prasad, L.M., Organizational behaiour, S.Chand, New Delhi
3. Buchanan, Daid, Organizational behaiour, Prentice Hall
Johns, Gary and Saks, Michael, Organizational Behaiour: Understanding and Managing Life at work, Pearson Prentice Hall, Toronto
Dais, Keith and Newstrom, John W., Human behaiour at work: Organization behaiour, McGraw-Hill International Editions Management Series, New York.