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This course will acquaint the students with entrepreneurial skills, enable to analyze, evaluate, and apply theoretical frameworks for real-world entrepreneurial challenges

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code

Course Title

24GBBA 302A/24CBTM 303 




CO127B:  Analyze various dimensions of entrepreneurship and facilitate a holistic understanding through integrated analysis.

CO128B: Integrate knowledge on promoting a new venture and valuation for a new company.

CO129B: Evaluate the various forms of business ownership and evaluate the diverse sources of innovation in business for strategic decision-making.

CO130B:  Analyze the role of government in entrepreneurial development and methods for encouraging change within family business systems.

CO131B:  Synthesize knowledge on financing entrepreneurial ventures for fostering entrepreneurial growth.

CO132B: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive sessions, Case Study discussions, problem solving sessions.


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Classroom Presentation, Project tasks

Continuous Assessment test, Semester End Examination, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects



Unit I: 
Concept of Entrepreneurship & Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship: Meaning, Nature, Benefits, Classification of Entrepreneurship, Evolution of the Concept of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Process
Entrepreneur: Competencies of an Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneurs, Role and Functions of Entrepreneur

Unit II: 
Promotion of a New Venture & Business Plan

Promotion of a New Venture: Search for a Business Idea – Sources of Ideas, Idea Processing and Selection; Pre-start-up Implementation – Assembling Necessary Inputs; Establishing the Enterprise and Start-up Stage – Start-up Operating objectives, Positioning the Enterprise
Business Plan: Concept, Characteristics, Steps in developing a Business Plan, Need for and Importance of Business Plan, Feasibility Study for New business, Valuation of a New Company

Unit III: 
Forms of Business Ownership & Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation

Forms of Business Ownership: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability partnership and Corporation form, Joint Stock, Co-operative Venture, Franchising
Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation: Meaning, Creativity Vs Innovation, Creativity and Innovation Process, Stimulating Creativity; Organizational actions that enhance/hinder creativity, Sources of Innovation in Business

Unit IV: 
Role of Government in Entrepreneurial Development & Family Business and Entrepreneurship

Role of Government in Entrepreneurial Development: Need; Government Assistance, Incentives and Schemes for Infrastructural facilities
Family Business and Entrepreneurship: Concept of Family business, Structure and Kinds of family firms, Management of family enterprises, Conflict and conflict resolution in family firms, Encouraging Change in the family business system

Unit V: 
Financing the Entrepreneurial Business

Financing the Entrepreneurial Business: Sources of finance – Short-term and Long-term; Loan syndication, Consortium finance, Venture capital, Angel Investors
Institutional Support to Entrepreneurs: SIDBI, IDBI, IFCI, FIWE

Essential Readings: 

1. Burns, P., Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Palgrave, New Jersey
2. Drucker, P. F., Innovation and entrepreneurship: Practice and principles, Elsevier, USA
3. Hisrich, R., & Peters, M., Entrepreneurship, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi


Suggested Readings:

  1. Holt, D. H., Entrepreneurship new venture creation, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi
  2. Kaplan, J., Patterns of entrepreneurship, Wiley
  3. G.S Sudha, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, R.B.D Publications Jaipur
  4. Vasant Desai, Entrepreneurial Development, Himalaya Publishing House
  5. Roy Rajeev, Entrepreneurship, Oxford Higher Education


  1. https://www.google.co.in/books/edition/Entrepreneurial_Development/uUdLAgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Entrepreneurship+full+preview&printsec=frontcover
  2. https://www.google.co.in/books/edition/The_Oxford_Handbook_of_Entrepreneurship/3UutoOJn1RkC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Entrepreneurship+full+preview&printsec=frontcover
  3. https://www.google.co.in/books/edition/Innovation_and_Entrepreneurship/OiuDBAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Entrepreneurship+full+preview&printsec=frontcover




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