Business Research

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop proficiency in crafting robust research methodologies, gathering and organizing data, and employing advanced analytical techniques to derive meaningful insights.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CBBA 301/24CBTM 301



Business Research


CO91: Explore the concept of research, its classification research procedure.

CO92: Formulate research problem and hypothesis & create well- structured research design for a research problem.

CO93: Recommend the different sampling techniques.

CO94: Select data collection tools and determines scales for data collection.

CO95: Specify the techniques of descriptive statistical analysis.

CO96: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.


Approach in


Interactive sessions, Case Study Discussions, Tutorials, Reading assignments.


Learning activities

for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Classroom Presentations, Project tasks

Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Nature & Scope of Business Research

Definition and concept of research, Objectives of research, Importance of research. Types of Research- Descriptive vs Analytical, Applied vs Fundamental, Quantitative vs Qualitative, Conceptual vs Empirical, Historical, Longitudinal Research. Research Approaches, Research Process.

Unit II: 
Research Design, Hypothesis and Variables

Research Design: Meaning, Need and Characteristics of a good research design. Types of Research Design, Identification of a Research problem. Selection of a Research problem.
Hypothesis: Purpose, Characteristics, Types and criteria of hypothesis, Process of Hypothesis Testing.
Variables: Meaning and Concept, Types of variables.

Unit III: 

Meaning of Census and Sample. Characteristics of a good Sample, Need for Sample, Methods of Sampling- Random Sampling Methods- Simple Random Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Systematic Sampling and Multi-stage Sampling. Non-Random Sampling- Judgment or Purposive Sampling, Convenience Sampling, Cluster Sampling and Sequential Sampling

Unit IV: 
Data Collection, Measurement & Scaling

Data Collection: Data gathering instruments: Collection of Data, Primary and Secondary Data, Methods of collecting data, Sources of Secondary Data
Measurement & Scaling: Primary scales of Measurement -Nominal, Ordinal, Interval & Ratio. Scaling techniques-paired comparison, rank order, constant sum, semantic differential, itemized ratings, Likert Scale; Questionnaire-form & design

Unit V: 
Measures of Central Value and Dispersion

Measures of Central Value: Characteristics of an ideal measure- mean median, mode, Merits, Limitations and Suitability of averages. Relationship between averages.
Measures of Dispersion: Meaning and Significance. Absolute and Relative measures of dispersion - Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation

Essential Readings: 

1. Panneerselvam, R. (2014). Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
2. Kothari, C. R. (2021). Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New Age International.
3. Goddard, W., & Melville, S. (2004). Research methodology: An introduction. Juta and Company Ltd.
4. Bhattacharyya, D. K. (2006). Research methodology. Excel Books India.
5. Flick, U. (2015). Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage.
6. Gupta, A., & Gupta, N. (2022). Research methodology. SBPD Publications.



Suggested Readings:

  1. Pandey, P., & Pandey, M. M. (2021). Research methodology tools and techniques. Bridge Center.
  2. Ranjit Kumar (2015) Research Methodology, 4th Edition, sage
  3. Deepak Chawla, Neena Sondhi  (2016). Research Methodology: Concepts And Cases, 2nd Edition, Vikas Publishing House
  4. Chawala and Sondhi (2016). “Research Methodology: Concepts and Cases”
  5. N. Malhotra (2019). “Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation”, 7 th Edition.
  6.  G. C. Beri, “Marketing Research”, McGraw Hill Education.
  7. D.R. Cooper and S. P. Schindler, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill
  8. R. Nargundkar, “Marketing Research: Text and Cases”, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
  9.  R. Kumar, “Research Methodology: A step by step guide for Beginners”, Pearson. Education.
  10.  I. Levin & D.S. Rubin, “Statistics for Management”, Pearson Education, 2017.
  11. Dangi, H., Dewan, S., “Business research methods”, Cengage Learning India Private Ltd., 2017.







Academic Year: