: Business Environment

Paper Code: 
MRM 224
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This paper helps to understand the overall business environment and evaluate its various components in business decision making

Unit I: 
Business Environment-

Business Environment-The concept, significance and nature of Business Environment. Environment Scanning: meaning, nature, scope and process of environmental scanning, Interaction between internal and external environments. Globalization trends and challenges.

Unit II: 
Political environment-

Political environment- Types of political systems
Economic aspect of Indian constitution, preamble ,directive principles, fundamental rights, centre state legislation,

Unit III: 
Economic environment-

Economic environment- concept and features of various economic systems, impact of liberalisation and privatization on Indian economy, New Industrial policy and industrial licensing, monetary and fiscal policies.

Unit IV: 
Legal Environment-

Legal Environment- Company Regulatory Legislations in India, FEMA, EXIM Policy ,Consumer Protection Act 1986, Right to Information Act 2005, Competition Laws, IPR(general concept)

Unit V: 
Technological Environment and international environment

Technological Environment and international environment – source of technological dynamics, appropriate technology, technology adaption –globalization, transfer of technology, TO(main provision and functions)

* Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.

Essential Readings: 

• Justin Paul, Business Environment, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2008
• Francis Cherunillam, Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House.V.
• Shaikh Saleem, Business Environment, Pearson Education, 2009


• K. Chidambaram and V. Alagappan, Business Environment, Vikas Publication House Pvt Ltd, 2009
• Neelamegam, Business Environment

Academic Year: