Business Communication

Paper Code: 
24ADMK 301
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of business communication and to develop their writing skills to effectively communicate in professional settings

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Course Code

Course Title


24ADMK 301


Business Communication (Theory)

  • CO 76: Assessing the significance and impact of effective communication on organizational success.
  • CO 77: Evaluating different modes or methods used for rapid message transmission.
  • CO 78: Developing well-crafted business letters tailored to specific communication incorporating appropriate language.
  • CO 79: Analyzing the effectiveness of business correspondence involves evaluating the clarity, coherence, and relevance of the message.
  • CO 80: Create Report Writing and Proposal Writing involves examining the structure, components, and purposes of these documents.
  • CO 81: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in


Interactive Hours, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments


Learning activities

for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective

questions, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving  problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Business Communication

Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations, Basic model of Communication Process and Elements of Communication, Barriers to Communication and overcoming barriers

Unit II: 
Means and Types of communication

Medias of Communication- Written, Oral, Visual, Audio-visual, Formal and Informal Communication, Modes of Quick Transmission of Messages

Unit III: 
Business Letter Writing

Business Letter Writing: Essentials of Effective Correspondence, Layout of Business Letter, Planning the Letter, Kinds of Business Letters Communication within the organization: Memoranda, Notices, Circulars, Orders, Agenda and Minutes

Unit IV: 
Business Correspondence related to Human Resource

Preparation of Resume, Job Application, Drafting of Interview Letters, Call Letters and Offer of Appointment, Goodwill Messages, Condolence Letters Business Correspondence related to other parties: Correspondence with banks, insurance companies and government authorities

Unit V: 
Report Writing

Report Writing and Proposal Writing: Contents and Types Press Release and Press Notes.

Essential Readings: 

1. Jones, Gareth R. and George, Jennifer M., Contemporary Management, McGraw-Hill College, New Delhi, January 2007.
2. Study Material Published by ICSI
3. Sinha K.K., Fundamentals of Business Communication, Taxmann’s
4. Konar Nira, Communication Skills for Professionals, PHI


Suggested Readings:

1. Dulek R.E. & J.S. Fielder, Principles of Business Communication, Macmillan Publishing Company, London.
2. ChaturvediP.D. & M.Chaturvedi, Business Communication, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. Pal R. &J. S. Korlahalli, Essentials of Business Communication, S.Chand, New Delhi

E- Resources:

Academic Year: