Basics of Entrepreneurship

Paper Code: 
MFM 126
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The Course attempts to equip the students with the knowledge of the basic principles and functionalities of Entrepreneurship. The course will prove to be helpful for the students in learning to expedite the entrepreneurial & managerial functions in corporate arena.

Unit I: 
Entrepreneurship/ Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship/ Entrepreneur – Definition, features, types, Qualities, Entrepreneur vs. Manager. Creativity and innovation – Stimulating creativity, organizational actions that enhance/hinder creativity, managerial responsibilities, sources of innovation in business..

Unit II: 
Starting the New Venture

Starting the New Venture - Generating Business Idea, Sources of New Idea, Methods of generating Ideas, creative problem solving, opportunity recognition, environment scanning, competitor and Industry analysis. The Four stages of Growth model- pre start-up-stage, Start-up Stage, Early Growth Stage, Later Growth Stage.

Unit III: 
Product Protection: Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights

Product Protection: Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights- Patents, Types of patents, Disclosures, The patent process, Patents in perspective, Trademarks, copyrights, Intellectual Property rights. International Markets- Changing International Environment, Exporting, Importing, Establishing International Ventures, The foreign Environment Business, Sources of Information.

Unit IV: 
Entrepreneurial Team and Business Formation

Entrepreneurial Team and Business Formation- Matching Human Resource needs and skills, The board of directors, Networking, Legal forms of business in perspective, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporations. Business Acquisitions and Franchising- Rationale for acquiring a Business, Evaluating acquisition opportunities, Methods of valuation, structuring the Acquisition, Franchising.

Unit V: 
Government of India Schemes for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Government of India Schemes for Innovation and Entrepreneurship- Start up India, Make in India, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP), Jan Dhan- Aadhaar- Mobile (JAM), Digital India, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Trade related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD), Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), National Skill Development Mission, Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
Business Plan - Concept, Characteristics, Preparation of business plan.

Essential Readings: 

• Holt, D.H. Entrepreneurship new venture creation.
• G.S.Sudha, Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, RBD, Jaipur.
• S.S. Khanka, Entrepreneurship Development, S.Chand Publications, New Delhi.
• Nafees A. Khan, Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Anmol Publications, New Delhi.


• 4. E. Gordon & K. Natarajan, Entrepreneurship Development, Himalaya Publications.
• 5.Vasant Desai, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Himalaya Publications

Academic Year: