Organization vision & plans, assessment of training needs, setting training objectives, designing training programmes, Spiral model of training.
Tasks of the training function: Building support, overall training capacity, developing materials, strategic planning, networking, designing training programmes.
Training methods: On the job training, job instruction training, apprenticeship, coaching, job rotation, syndicate method, knowledge based methods, lecture, conferences, programmed learning, simulation methods, case study, vestibule training, laboratory training, in-basket exercise, experiential methods, sensitivity training, etraining.
Management Development Programme Methods:-Understudy, Coaching, Action Learning, Role Play, Management Games, Seminars, University related programmes, special projects, behaviouralmodelling, job rotation, case study, multiple management, sensitivity training. Post training: Training evaluation, Training impact on individuals and organizations, Evaluating Programmes, Participants, Objectives.
Organisational Development (OD): Definition Foundations of OD, Managing the OD Process, Action Research and OD. OD Interventions: Overview of OD Interventions, Team Interventions Inter-group and Third-Party Peacemaking Interventions.
Comprehensive OD Interventions, Structural Interventions and the Applicability of OD, Training Experiences. Issues in Consultant –Client Relationships, System Ramifications, Power, Politics and OD
1. Blanchard P.Nick & Thacker James: Effective Training, Systems, Strategies and
Practices, Pearson.
2. French Wendell, Bell Cecil and Vohra Veena: Organisation Development, Behavioral
Science Interventions for Organisation Improvement, Prentice Hall.
3. Lynton Rolf & Pareek Udai: Training & Development, Prentice Hall.
4. Bhatia S.K.: Training & Development, Deep & Deep Publishers.