Seminar Presentation and Viva voce

Paper Code: 
MFM 228
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To create awareness regarding current trends, issues and researches related to various aspects of Finance

Content: Each student will choose a topic in the beginning of the semester. They will be required to prepare a primary research report. 30 hours lab sessions are provided for hands on training on SPSS and systematic review of literature to the students as follows for covering the following:


Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MNOVA)- Testing assumptions of MNOVA, Running MNOVA with SPSS, Multiple comparisons in MNOVA, Output from MNOVA
Regression- Simple Linear Model, Linear Model with several Predictors, Model estimation, Assessing Goodness of Fit, R and R square, Assessing individual Predictors
Bias in Regression Model- Unusual cases, Generalizing the Model, Sample size in Regression, Assumptions, What if assumptions are violated
Interpreting Regression Model – Descriptives, Summary of Model, Model Parameters, Excluded variables, Assessing Multicollinearity,


Moderation and mediation of variables
Exploratory Factor Analysis- Discovering Factors, Running the analysis, Interpreting output from SPSS, Reliability Analysis, How to report Factor analysis.
Logistic Regression- Background to logistic regression, Principles behind logistic regression, Binary Logistic Regression, Interpreting logistic regression, How to report logistic regression, Tesing assumptions, Predicting several categories.


Apart from the 30 hrs. lab sessions, students are required to devote 2 hrs. per week under the supervision of their respective supervisors on regular basis for guidance on report.

Essential Readings: 

• IBM SPSS Statistics 20 Core System User’s Guide
• IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 User's Guide
• G N Prabhakara, Synopsis Dissertation And Research To Pg Students, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; second edition (2016)

Academic Year: