Research for Management

Paper Code: 
MRM 124
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To enable the students to identify problems for managerial decision making, design a research, collect data, analyze and write a report.

Unit I: 

Research: Definition and concept of research, Objectives of research, Importance of research. Types of Research- Descriptive vs Analytical, Applied vs Fundamental, Quantitative vs Qualitative, Conceptual vs Empirical, Historical, Longitudinal Research.
Research Approaches, Research Process.

Unit II: 
Research Design:

Research Design: Meaning, Need and Characteristics of a good research design. Types of Research Design, Identification of a Research problem. Selection of a Research problem.
Hypothesis: Purpose, Characteristics, Types and criteria of hypothesis, Process of Hypothesis Testing.
Variables: Meaning and Concept, Types of variables.

Unit III: 
Data gathering instruments:

Data gathering instruments: Collection of Data, Primary and Secondary Data, Methods of collecting data, Sources of Secondary Data.
Scaling Techniques: Meaning and Purpose of scaling techniques, Types of scales- Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio scales.

Unit IV: 

Sampling- Meaning of Census and Sample. Characteristics of a good Sample, Need for Sample, Methods of Sampling-
Random Sampling Methods- Simple Random Sampling, Stratified Sampling, Systematic Sampling and Multi-stage Sampling
Non-Random Sampling- Judgment or Purposive Sampling, Convenience Sampling, Cluster Sampling and Sequential Sampling.
Sampling Theory- Parameter and Statistic,
Sampling Distribution of a Statistic and Standard Error of a Statistic
Test of Significance (Large Sample)- Sample Mean, Difference between two Sample Means, Difference between two Standard Deviations, Sample Proportion and Difference between two Sample Proportions.
Application of Student’s t- test for Mean, Difference Between two Means (Independent and Paired t-test for Difference of Means).

Unit V: 
Chi-square test & Analysis of Variance

Chi-square test & Analysis of Variance- One-way and two-way classification.
Interpretation and Report Writing:
Meaning and Techniques of Interpretation, Precautions in Interpretation, Significance of Report writing, Types of reports Process of report writing
Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught

Essential Readings: 

• Naresh Malhotra, Marketing Research, Pearson Education,
• C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age Publication,.


• Levin & Rubin, Statistics for Management , Pearson,
• Levine, Business Statistics, Krehbiel & Berenson,
• Cooper & Schindler, Marketing Research , Tata McGraw Hill
• Anderson, Statistics for Business and Economics, Sweeney and Williams
C.M. Chaudhry, Research Methodology, RBSA

Academic Year: