Programming Concepts and Database Management

Paper Code: 
Code: (BBA 207)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Introduction to Programming Languages

I Introduction to Programming Languages: Overview of programming, logic development techniques (Algorithm, Pseudo codes, flow charts), Programming language classification (Machine language, Assembly language, high level languages), Translators (Assembler, interpreter, compiler).

Unit II: 
Introduction to ‘C’ Programming:

Introduction to ‘C’ Programming: Introduction to ‘C’ programming, overview of ‘C’ language, Character Set, Variables and Constants. Keywords, Tokens, Literals, Expression and syntaxes, Data types, Operators, Control statements (if, multiple if, if-else, nested if’s, if –else- if ladder), switch-case statement.

Unit III: 
Loops & Arrays

Loops & Arrays: Loop in ‘C ‘(while, do-while, for loop), nested loop. Break, continue, exit statement. Introduction to arrays, single dimensional array.

Unit IV: 
Introduction to Database System

Introduction to Database System: Introduction to database concept, File Processing System Vs DBMS, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS, Database Users and Administrators, History of Database Systems, Concept of Keys. Introduction to MS-Access, Difference between Access and large Commercial Databases.

Unit V: 
Working with the Database:

Working with the Database: Database creation in MS-Access, Data Types, creating tables, entering data into table, editing data, viewing records, sorting records. Querying a data base, Creating forms, Generating reports in MS- Access, OLE.

Essential Readings: 

Case Studies
Essential Reading:
1. Yashwant Kanetkar, Let us ‘C’, BPB Publication, New Delhi
2. Simpson Alan, Robinson, & Celeste, Mastering Access 2000


3. E. Balaguruswami, Programming in ‘ANSI C’, TMH Publication
4. A. Agrawal, A. Jain, D. Bhargava, Fundamentals of Computers, RBD, Jaipur.
5. Peter Nortons, Introduction to Computers

Academic Year: