Operations Research

Paper Code: 
MFM 227
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective of the course is to equip the student with basic quantitative tools required to perform the role as a manager and to evaluate and arrive at logical conclusions & inferences to the decisions.

Unit I: 
Operations Research, Linear Programming

Operations Research- Meaning, Nature, Scope and Role of Operations Research, Scientific approach in decision-making, Techniques of OR, Limitations of OR
Linear Programming-Mathematical formulation of Linear Programming problems and their solution using Graphic approach. Simplex method,.

Unit II: 
Linear Programming- Special Cases, Transportation

Linear Programming- Special Cases- Unbounded solution, Multiple Solutions, Non-Feasible solutions, Degenerate solutions, Primal and its dual. Introduction to Sensitivity Analysis
Transportation-General structure of transportation problem, methods of finding initial basic feasible solution (NWCM, LCM & VAM), test for optimality (MODI Method), Cases of unbalanced problems, Degeneracy, Multiple solutions and Prohibited Routes.

Unit III: 
Assignment, Sequencing Problems

Assignment- Solving the problem. Cases of unbalanced problems, multiple optimum solutions, maximization objective and unacceptable assignments
Sequencing Problems- General Assumptions, Basic Terminology, Processing n-jobs through two machines, Processing n-jobs through three machines, Processing n-jobs through m- machines

Unit IV: 
Decision Theory, Queuing theory

Decision Theory-Decision-Making under certainty, uncertainty and risk, Decision tree analysis , Queuing theory-introduction, elementary queuing system, single channel queuing model ( with Poisson arrivals and exponential service times.)

Unit V: 
Theory of Games

Theory of Games-Two persons Zero Sum games. Markov’s analysis-Introduction, application, state transition matrix, n steps transition probabilities, Markov Chain Algorithm.

Essential Readings: 

• Shrivastava Shenoy Sharma, Quantitative Techniques in Management, New Age Publications
• J. K. Sharma, Operations Research”, McMillan India
• N. D. Vohra ,Quantitative Techniques in Management”, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
• Anderson Williams ,Quantitative Methods for Business, 10th Edition Thopson


• Tulisian, Quantitative Techniques Theory and Problems, Pearson Education.
• S. D. Sharma, Operations Research, Kedar Nath and Ram Nath & Co. Ltd.

Academic Year: