Marketing of Services

Paper Code: 
MRM 423
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Paper has been designed such that it acquaints the students with the emerging trends in the service sector and handling the issues involved in the management of service.

Unit I: 

Introduction: Concept of Services, Characteristics, Difference between Goods and Services, Concept of Service Marketing, Significance of service marketing

Unit II: 
Marketing Mix:

Marketing Mix: Concept of Marketing mix of services, Importance, Types of marketing mix of services-Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence.
Integrated Service Marketing Triangle

Unit III: 
Service Quality Management:

Service Quality Management: Concept, Service Quality and customer satisfaction, Dimensions of service quality, GAP Model of service quality, SERVQUAL model.

Unit IV: 
Managing Service Delivery Process:

Managing Service Delivery Process: Managing physical evidence of services, managing people for service advantage, designing and managing service processes.

Unit V: 
Service Failure and recovery:

Service Failure and recovery: Types of service failure, service recovery strategies.
Customer Retention: Concept and importance, Loyalty Programmes, concept of warranty and guarantee.

Essential Readings: 

Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.

Recommended Books:
1. Essential Readings
• Jha S M, “Service Marketing”, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.1st edition
• Srinivasan R., “Service Marketing-Indian Context”, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, New Delhi.2004
• Apte Govind.,” Service Marketing”,Oxford University Press,New Delhi.4th edition


• Rathmell, J., “Marketing in Service Sector”, Prentice Hall Of India,New Delhi.
• Lovelock, Christopher H, “Marketing of Services”, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

Academic Year: