Market structure: Meaning, Classification, and Characteristics of market; Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic and Oligopoly
Price output: determination under Perfect Competition market, Monopoly market
A brief explanation of Discriminating monopoly,
Oligopoly market: Price war, Price rigidity (kinked demand curve), Price Leadership
Theory of Factor pricing: Marginal Productivity Theory, Theory of Rent (Traditional and Modern approach)
Theory of Wages, Profits and Interest,
National Income analysis: Concepts, methods of measurement. An overview of Business Cycle affecting the firm.
Case Studies
1. Salvatore, Dominick, Micro Economics, Oxford University Press, New York
2. Seth, M. L., Principles of Economics, Laxmi Narain Agarwal, Agra
3. Mithani,D.M., Fundamentals of Economics, Himalya Publishing House,Mumbai
4. Ahuja, H.L. , Business Economics, S.Chand & Company,New Delhi
5. Jhingal, M.L., Principles of Economics, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
6. Mukherjee, Debes, Business Economics Micro and Macro, New Central Book Agency, Calcutta