Management of Financial services

Paper Code: 
MFM 421
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Learning Outcomes:
• To familiarize students with working of financial services in India in terms of structure, products and market place.
• To provide students with conceptual understanding of discounting and factoring.
• Knowledge of derivative markets and pricing framework of financial derivatives
• To introduce the students about the mutual fund and credit card services.

Unit I: 
Financial Services-

Financial Services- Introduction, Causes of financial Innovation, Types of financial services, Scope – fund based activities, non fund activities and modern activities. New financial products and services, challenges in the financial service sector

Unit II: 
Discounting and Factoring:

Discounting and Factoring: Meaning, functions, types, Factoring vs Discounting, cost of factoring, benefits. Derivatives: Meaning,Kinds of derivatives- future , forwards, options swap.

Unit III: 

Leasing- Definition, Types, contents of lease agreements. Advantages & Disadvantages, Problems faced by lease Industry in India.
Hire Purchase- Meaning, features, hire purchase vs leasing, hire purchase agreement.

Unit IV: 
Mutual Funds-

Mutual Funds- Meaning, scope, Types- on the basis of execution & operation and yield and investment pattern, importance, risks in Mutual fund.
Merchant Banks- Origin, Services- corporate counselling, project counselling, loan syndication, issue management. Duties and responsibilities of Merchant bankers, scope of merchant banking in India. Progress & Problems.

Unit V: 
Venture capital-

Venture capital- Meaning, Features & Methods, scope, importance.
Credit cards- Meaning, Types, Parties, Procedure- at the time of purchase at member establishments and reimbursement, Facilities offered to card holders, Benefits & Demerits.

Essential Readings: 

• Bhalla V.K.-“Financial Markets &Services” Anmol Publications, Delhi
• Srivastava R.M.-“Management of Indian Financial Institutions”Himalaya Publication, New Delhi
• Jain, Khanna, Tiwari, “ Banking and Public Finance” V.K India Enterprises, New Delhi.
• Natarajan S, Parameshwaran R, “ Indian Banking” S.Chand& Company LTD, New Delhi
• Bhole.L.M. “Financial Markets and Institutions’ Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
• Vasant Desai, “Indian Financial System”, Himalayan Publication


• Khan M.Y. - “Indian Financial System” Vikas Publishing house, New Delhi
• Sinha, S.L.N., “Development Banking in India”, (Madras: Institute of Financial Management and Research, 1976).
• Khan and Jain, “Financial Services,” 2nd ed. Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.

Academic Year: