Review of Economic Theory on International Trade: Basis for international trade; gains from trade; distributional issues, policy instruments and their impact, political economy.
Trends in Global Trade and Balance of Payments with special reference to India: Historical roots of today’s international trade, Composition, origin and destination of global exports and imports, Trade in invisibles, Balance of payments: current account and capital account, Capital flows and foreign exchange revenues, External Debt
The Global Institutional Structure: GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), WTO (World Trade Organisation), Regional Trade Blocks and Trade Agreements.
India’s Industrialization Strategy and International Trade: Review of Economic planning strategies and issues: early phase; the 1970s and 1980, Policies since 1991, Exim policy, structure of tariffs and restrictions, currency depreciation and convertibility, Export Promotion Zones
Experience of Select Developing Countries: Analysis of the trade strategy and the policy framework in two select large countries and comparison with India, Impact of trade on growth, agriculture, inequality, poverty, and other developmental indicators Case Studies on Trade Strategies of Emerging Economies- China and ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations).
1. Tendulkar and Srinivasan: Reintegrating India with the World Economy, Pearson.
2. Connor, David E. O’ (2006). Encyclopedia of the Global Economy: A guide for students and researchers. New Delhi: Academic Foundation
3. The Trade Game: Negotiation trends at WTO and concerns of developing countries, 2006. New Delhi : Academic Foundation
4. Krugman, Obstfeld and Melitz: International Economics. (8th ed.). Pearson Education