Human Resource Management

Paper Code: 
MRM 223
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Paper has been designed such that it acquaints the students with the various facets of managing people and to create an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.

Unit I: 
Human Resource Management:

Human Resource Management: Concept, Functions of HRM, Importance, Difference between HRM and personnel management.
Human Resource Environment-Meaning, Importance, Types -Internal and external Environment that effect HRM Programmes.

Unit II: 
Human resources Planning

Human resources Planning: Concept, Importance Process of human resource planning, Quantitative and Qualitative aspect of human resource planning, Levels of HRP, Limitations of HRP.
Job Analysis -Meaning, Benefits of Job analysis ,Process, techniques of job analysis
Job design-Meaning, approaches, methods of job design.-job rotation, job simplification, job enlargement and job enrichment

Unit III: 

Recruitment:Concept,Importance of recruitment, Sources of recruitment –internal and external recruitment. HR recruitment practices in India.

Unit IV: 

Selection-Meaning, Importance, Selection criteria ,Steps in selection process, Selection tools
Placement and Induction ( conceptual knowledge )

Unit V: 
Training & Development:

Training & Development: Meaning, Importance, benefits, types, process, methods of executive development, Evaluation, Training need assessment.
Career Planning : Concept, Process of career planning, career counseling, limitations
Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.

Essential Readings: 

• Aswathappa K “Human Resource and Personnel Management”. Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.3rd edituon
• Gupta C B , “ Human Resource Management”.Sultan Chand and Sons,New Delhi.
• V S P Rao- “ Human Resource Mamagement-Text and Cases”.,Excel Publications,New Delhi.2nd edition


• Bhatia S K & Singh Nirmal, “Principles and Techniques of Personnel Management and Human Resource Management” ,Deep & Deep Publications,New Delhi.
• Garry Dessler “Human Resource Management”Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.7th edition

Academic Year: