Prepare a chart on identifying the differences between Training, Education and Development.
Case Study analysis on HRD systems in Organisations.
Create a worksheet on HRD interventions used in selected organisations
Team exercise on Competency mapping / Career management in specific industries.
Power point presentations on Evaluating the HRD efforts / Future of HRD.
Nadler, Leonard: Corporate human Resource Development, Van Nostrand Reinhold / ASTD, New York.
2. Rao T.V. and Pareek, Udai: Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems, Oxford and IBH Publication Ltd.
3. Rao T.V.: Reading in human Resource Development, Oxford IBH Publication .Ltd.
4. Viramani B.R. and Seth, Pramila: Evaluating Management Training and Development, Vision Books.
5. Wilson John P.: Human Resource Development, Kogan Page, London
6. Werner John M. and DeSimone Randy L.: Human Resource Development, South-Western Cengage Learning, USA