Communication is the key to successful business. It leads one to negotiate effectively and strike the right deal for the organization. This course provides insight into the technical and structural aspect of communication in business.
Business Communication:
Concept, Objectives, Models and Process
Effective Communication:
Principles, 7 C’s of Effective Communication, Effective speaking, Effective Listening
Forms and Types of Communication:
Formal and Informal (Grapevine), Oral and Written, External and Internal, Verbal and Non-verbal (Body language, Kinesics, Proxemics and Paralanguage), Horizontal, Vertical (Upward & Downward) and Diagonal
Medias of Communication:
Face-to Face, Audio-visual, Fax, Conferencing- Tele and Video, Internet, E-Mail etc.
Barriers to Communication:
Wrong choice of medium, Physical barriers or Mechanical Barriers, Semantic barriers, Socio-Psychological barriers, Cross-cultural Barriers.
Case Studies
Essential Reading:
1. Asha Kaul, Business Communication, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
2. Rajendra Pal, J. S. Korlahalli, Essentials of Business Communication, S. Chand, New Delhi
3. M.K. Sehgal and Vandana Khetarpal, Business Communication, Excel Books, New Delhi.
4. Ronald E. Dulek and John S. Fielder, Principles of Business Communication, Macmillan Publishing Company, London.