Communication and Soft Skill Development

Paper Code: 
RTM 232
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Nature and Process of Communication

Meaning & Definition,•
• Nature & Process ,
• Models (Keith Davis, Lesikar)
• Barriers to communication

Unit II: 
Effective Communication Skills

Effective Communication Skills :
• 7 Cs of effective communication
• Oral communication Skills
• Listening Skills
• Presentation Skills
• Non-Verbal Communication :
• Definition, characteristics
• Classification of non-verbal communication : Body language( kinesics), Space language( proxemics), Para language.

Unit III: 
Development of Soft Skills

• Emotional Intelligence
• Interpersonal Skills
• Team Spirit
• Business Etiquettes
• Leadership Skills

Unit IV: 
Practice in Business Communication

• Public Speaking,
• Interview Skills
• Resume Writing,
• Group discussion

Unit V: 
Negotiation & Customer Relation Skills

Negotiation Skills :
• Introduction, Definition, Need
• The Nature of Negotiation
• Factors Affecting Negotiation.
• Stages of the Negotiation Process
Customer Relations Skills
• Customer Focus
• Understanding Customers needs
• Customer service and service orientation

Essential Readings: 

Chaturvedi P.D. & Chaturvedi Mukesh : Business communication; Pearson Education


1. Rajendra Pal, J. S. Korlahalli, Essentials of Business Communication, S.Chand, New Delhi
2. Asha Kaul, Business Communication, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
3. Ronald E. Dulek and John S. Fielder, Principles of Business Communication, Macmillan Publishing Company, London.
4. M. J. Mathew, Business Communication, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur

Academic Year: