Business Legistations

Paper Code: 
MRM 226
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The Objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the concepts of The Indian Contract Act, Partnership Act and Companies Act.

Unit I: 
Introduction to Contract:

Introduction to Contract: Meaning of contract, Important definitions (Sec.2a to Sec. 2j), Valid essentials of contract, Difference between agreement and contract, Classification of Contracts
Proposal: Meaning of proposal, legal rules as to the offer Acceptance: Legal rules as to acceptance
Contractual capacity: Meaning, Minors (effects of minor’s agreements), Person of unsound mind (Meaning, types and effects), Persons disqualified by laws.

Unit II: 

Consideration: Meaning, legal rules, contract without consideration is void, Doctrine of privity of contract and exceptions, Legality of object and consideration
Void agreements: Meaning, Types.
Contingent contracts: Meaning, Valid essentials, Rules as to the enforcement of contingent contract
Performance of contract: Meaning, Modes of performance,
Discharge of contract: Meaning and modes of discharge of contract, types of breach of contract.
Remedies for breach of contract

Unit III: 
Specific Contracts:

Specific Contracts:
Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee: Meaning and Essentials
Bailment: meaning, valid essentials, termination of bailment,
Pledge: meaning, essentials
Contract of Agency: meaning, essentials, creation and termination of agency
Partnership Act 1932: meaning, nature of partnership firm, partnership deed, Registration, types of partners, Mutual Rights and duties, reconstitution of the firm, Dissolution of firm.

Unit IV: 
Companies Act 1956

Companies Act 1956
Definition, essential characteristics and classification of companies, Private companies-privileges and concessions to Private companies, Lifting of corporate veil, Incorporation and formation of a company
New Amendments 2013 (main provisions)

Unit V: 
Memorandum of association,

Memorandum of association, Articles of association, prospectus, Statement in lieu of prospectus
Concept of shares, Types of shares (Equity shares, Preference shares), debentures, Types of debentures
Winding up of Company (Voluntary, under court’s supervision, compulsory by the court)
Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.

Essential Readings: 

• Aggarawal, Rohini, Student’s guide to Mercantile & Commercial Laws, Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
• Kapoor, N. D., Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
• Tulsian, P. C., Business Law, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2006.
• Singh Avtar, Indian Company Law, Eastern Book Company


• Datey, V.S., Business and Corporate Laws, Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
• Singh, Nirmal, Business Laws, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
• Gulshan, S. S., Business Law, Excel Books, New Delhi
• Krishnamurti D S R, Company Law, Taxmann, New Delhi, 2007

Academic Year: