Business Ethics (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop an understanding of various concepts related to business ethics in an organization and the mechanism of corporate governance.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24ADMK 501


Business Ethics



CO 150:  Analyse the concepts, tools and theories of ethics and the issues in ethics.

CO 151:   Explain the concept of CSR and the responsibilities of various stakeholders.

CO 152:   Recognise major aspects of corporate governance principles and various theories and systems of corporate governance.

CO 153  Discuss the roles and responsibilities of directors in enhancing corporate governance.

CO 154:  Analyze the role of auditors in enhancing corporate governance.

 CO 155:  Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in


Interactive Hours, Case Study Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments


Learning activities

for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective

questions, presentation, Solving problems of unsolved questions

Continuous assessment test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Business Ethics

Concept of ethics, ethical issues and principles in business, Utilitarianism: social cost and benefits, Rights and duties, Justice and fairness, ethics of care, virtue ethics.

Unit II: 
Corporate Social Responsibility

Concept and Evolution of corporate social responsibility, common indicators for measuring business social performance, reporting social responsibility measures in annual report. Freidman’s Traditional vs. Carroll’s Modern View of CSR, Stakeholder’s and Concept of Sustainability

Unit III: 
: Corporate Governance

Concept, Features of good governance, Role played by regulators to improve corporate governance (SEBI clause 49), Accounting standards, Corporate disclosure, Insider trading.

Unit IV: 
The Board

Composition of Board (independent, nominee, executive and non executive director, woman director, shadow director and resident director) roles and responsibilities of board in enhancing corporate governance, CEO Duality.

Unit V: 
Role of auditors in enhancing corporate governance

Duties and responsibilities of internal and external auditors in enhancing corporate governance.
Whistle blowing: Kinds of whistle blowing, need and relevance for whistle blowing.

Essential Readings: 

1. J.A. Pearce & R.B. Robinson : Strategic Management formulation implementation and control, TMH
2. Arthur A. Thompson Jr. & A.J Strickland III : Crafting and executing strategy, TMH
3. Gerry Johnson &Kevan Scholes, Exploring corporate strategies, PHI


4. UpendraKachru: Strategic Management, Excel books
5. Arthur A. Thompson Jr. and A.J. Strickland: Strategic Management –Concepts and Cases, McGraw-Hill Companies
6. Lawrence R. Jauch& William F. Glueck: Business Policy and Strategic Management (Mcgraw Hill Series in Management)

E- Resources:

Academic Year: