Business Communication: English

Paper Code: 
ABCE 100
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To provide an overview of Prerequisites to Business Communication.
To provide an outline to effective Organizational Communication.
To underline the nuances of Business communication.
To impart the correct practices of the strategies of Effective Business writing.

Unit I: 
Business Communication

o Concept, Features, Importance, Limitations; Means of Communication- written, oral, visual, audio-visual
o Principles and Essentials of Business Communication
o Process of Communication
o Barriers to Communication

Unit II: 
Essentials of Good English

Grammar and usage; enriching vocabulary, words - multiple meaning, single word for a group of words - choice of words - words frequently mis-spelt; punctuations, prefix and suffix; parts of speech; articles; synonyms and antonyms; tenses; idioms and phrases; foreign words and phrases commonly used; abbreviations and numerals; pronunciation. Latin, French and Roman words which are used in abbreviated form like “e.g., RSVP, viz. etc.”

Unit III: 
Business Correspondence

- Human Resource: Preparation of Resume, Job Application, Drafting of Interview Letters, Call Letters and Offer of Appointment, Provisional and Final Appointment Orders, Goodwill Messages, Condolence Letters.
- Purchase: Requests for Quotations, Tenders, Samples and Drawings; Purchase Order, Order Acceptance, Complaints and Follow-Up.
- Sales: Drafting of Sales Letters, Circulars, Preparation of Sales Notes, Sales Report, Sales Promotion Matters, Customer’s Correspondence – Regarding Dues, Follow up Letters.
- Accounts: Correspondence with Various Agencies; Banks - Regarding Over-Drafts, Cash Credits and Account Current, Insurance Companies - Regarding Payment, Renewal of Insurance Premium, Claims and their Settlement.
- Secretarial : Correspondence with Shareholders and Debenture-Holders Pertaining to Dividend and Interest, Transfer and Transmission, Stock Exchanges, Registrar of Companies and Various Authorities like Reserve Bank of India, SEBI.
- Introduction to Preparation of Agenda and Minutes for Meetings.

Unit IV: 

Drafting of Messages, Messages through Electronic Media; Public Notices and Invitations; Representations to Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Public Authorities.

Unit V: 
Inter-departmental Communication

Internal Memos; Office Circulars; Office Orders; Office Notes; Representation to Chief Executive and Replies thereto; Communication with Regional/Branch Offices.
- Preparation of Press Releases
- Correspondence.

Essential Readings: 

1. Jones, Gareth R. and George, Jennifer M., Contemporary Management, McGraw-Hill College, New Delhi, January 2007.
2. Study Material Published by ICSI
3. Scanner-Arun Kumar(Shuchita Prakashans(P) Ltd)


• Dulek R.E. & J.S. Fielder, Principles of Business Communication, Macmillan Publishing Company, London.
• ChaturvediP.D. & M.Chaturvedi, Business Communication, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
• Pal R. &J. S. Korlahalli, Essentials of Business Communication, S.Chand, New Delhi

Academic Year: