Paper has been designed such that it acquaints the students with the basic management concepts and organizational processes in the organization.
Concepts, Functions, Significance of management, Management and administration, Levels of management.
Principles of management-Henry Fayol and F.W Taylor, Approaches/schools of management thought – Classical , Neo-Classical and Modern.
Concept, Nature, Processes, Types, Significance of planning, Planning process, Management by Objectives
Organization-Concept, Importance, Process of organizing, Principles of Organization, Types-Formal and Informal.
Organization Structure-Types of Organization Structure-line, line and staff, functional, project, matrix and committee. Delegation and Decentralization of Authority(conceptual knowledge only)
Meaning, Significance, Types of decisions, Process of decision-making, Techniques of decision-making,
Controlling-Concepts, Features, Steps of controlling, Importance, Techniques-Traditional and Modern (Elementary knowledge only)
Meaning, Types of motivation, Importance, Theories of motivation-Maslow’s need-hierarchy theory, McGregor’s theory X and theory Y,Herzberg motivation-hygiene model, Victor-vroom expectancy model. William Ouchi’s motivation theory,
Definition, Importance, Difference between leadership and management, Functions of a leader, Styles of Leadership-autocratic, participative and free-rein, Theories of leadership-trait theory, behavioural theory- likert’s system of management, Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid, and Tannenbaum and Schimidt’s Continuum of leadership style and situational theory- Fiedler’s Contingency Model
• Chhabra T.N “Principles and Practice of Management” DhanpatRai& Co. PvtLtd,New Delhi.
• Nolakha, R.L “Principles of Management” .RBD Publishers, Jaipur.2007
• Sudha G S., “Management”, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur.2007
• Koontz, Herold and Weihrich, Heinz. “Management”, McGraw Hill, New York.5th edition.
• Stoner, James A.F. and Freeman, R.Edward, “Management”.,New Delhi. 6th edition
• Mathew, M.J “Business Management” Sheel Sons Publishers,Jaipur. 1st edition